The Journey from Zhineng Qigong to Nature Taiji

Beforehand you should become aware of some things.

The basic idea in China in this respect is a long life.
Qigong already exists for many thousand years and 
has changed continuously.

Gong = Practice

Martial art to defend against attackers,
qi powers are used within the martial art.
Taiji exists less than a thousand years.

Modern Medicine 
Originally, the aim was the healing of diseases and
indirectly connected to this a long life.

The Journey from Zhineng Qigong to Nature Taiji 

Zhineng Qigong was developed by Dr. Pang Ming to make
the qi powers immediately available to sick persons for healing.
  • Shortly before the Huaxia Centre was closed Dr. Pang Ming published as last exercise his version of Taiji Ball.
  • Hu Xilong, his best student, worked in the research department and of course knew about this development.
  • Nature Taiji contains the elements of rotation from Taiji Ball as well as other elements from Taiji and is thus a logic further development of the thoughts that were considered in the background to the Taiji Ball version of Dr. Pang Ming.
  • It is therefore not surprising when the best student of Dr. Pang Ming, Hu Xilong, nowadays presents the Nature Taiji exercise as result.
  • Who wants to know more, will find an article in the book „Zhineng Qigong, the form is only the beginning – Level 1“ which will come out in the year 2016.


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