"Zhineng Qigong" - What is a "Qi Circle" ?
You may also find the name „Healing Circle" instead of „Qi Circle“
in the English language.
A more precise, a scientific name for it is “Qi Circle“.
What happens there ?
The practitioners are forming a circle and are sending “Qi“ into the circle.
They are organizing a very strong „Qi Field“.
The highest density is in the center of the circle.
A practitioner may sit down in the center of the „Qi Circle“.
The quality of the “Qi Circle“ depends of the practitioners.
How much "Qi" you are sending into the "Qi Circle" depends on the
strength of your own personal „Qi“ which you have and are able to organize.
With little „Qi“ you are only able to organize a weak „Qi Field“ .
So, the effect will be very strong or nothing.
The intention of "Zhineng Qigong" practice is to harmonize body and mind.
Because it is good for well-being and daily life.
Disharmonies are the cause for ill-being and sickness.
That is the view of the Chinese people practicing „Zhineng Qigong“.
A piece of iron in a magnetic field will become magnetic, because
the chaotic loads will be arranged in the kind of their loads, positive or negative.
The result will not be automatically a magnet, but a more intense reaction
to a magnet because the loads are more arranged and less chaotic.
In some case you will get a magnet.
How does a "Qi Circle” work?
There is a very strong "Qi Field" organized in the "Qi Circle".
The personal “Qi-Field” of a person in the center of the “Qi Circle”
will be harmonized by the “Qi Field” of the “Qi Circle”.
The result may be a healing but it is not a “Healing Circle”.
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