"Zhineng Qigong" - Why is the Reference System so important ?
Qigong the parent system of "Zhineng Qigong" was created,
as people started thinking about the best way how to live,
how to get very old and stay healthy.
However, as it is often the case, the result usually has precious
little to do with the original intention.
The search for harmony, for a lifestyle without any hectic,
with conscious acting, self-control in daily life or self-control
in eating and other parts of the life should help to achieve this.
This includes also the training of the mind, ethics and much more.
This started thousands of years before our time and it changed
already very much and will do so in the future.
A new idea was born:
Using "Qi" for healing sick and ill people without any delay.
The result was the system of “Zhineng Qigong”.
Dr. Pang Ming focused his activities in so called open movements
or exercises. He created the first open qigong system and gave it
the name "Zhineng Qigong" and divided it into 6 levels.
This is no hierarchy and means only that you should start with
level one and go on learning level two and then level three.
I think, level one is perhaps the most difficult level.
Why ? - Dr. Pang Ming created level one after level two.
At that time level two already existed.
In Germany we have a saying: “Every beginning is hard.”
Don't wonder: “Level one needs your special attention.”
Practise begins with learning the form, this means
the movements, then the form has to be filled -
not always easy.
If you do not succeed, you have done something wrong.
If you succeed, your Reference System will change.
Afterwards it makes sense to go on to the next level.
It is possible, too, to learn level one and level two together.
So did I, but the Reference System has to be at level two,
to make sense to learn the next level.
Practising level three needs filled level one and two.
The first two levels have to be done and the change
of the Reference System to level two is needed.
There is no faster way and again a saying from
Germany may give an explanation: “Good things need time.”
Practising has to be done for a long time and regularly,
to move from short-term to long-term memory.
The forms have to be filled with content and
afterwards the Reference System will be build up. It takes time.
Through regular practise you will find the way to switch off.
We know our brain is working constantly, but we are able
to get the impression of inner silence and rest in peace.
Practising “Zhineng Qigong” is meditation in movement.
Once you have found the way, it needs seconds to rest in peace.
Waiting at the traffic light to move from red to green or
the minutes you are queued up at the supermarket
you close your eyes just for a moment and change to
inner silence.
It takes some time, the personal Reference System does
not change from one day to another, it changes slowly.
You realise it, if you are watching yourself critically.
Your habits will change and you will act differently in daily life.
You need self-critical observation to perceive the changes.
If you do not learn it, then it is perhaps not the way for you.
You should then use a different method, which suits you.
Here is the answer to the question:
Not the amount of “Qi“ is the requirement for the next level.The change of the Reference System has to be done.
Or in other words:
The form is only the beginning.
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