e-book - General Information
It doesn't matter in which form a book appears,
printed on paper or as an e-book:
The most expensive item is
the work done by the author of a book.
The efforts for a report, a story or a novel
vary from little to very much.
In a report you only talk about something
you have seen or heard.
A search from one or more sources may be
or may be not necessary before you print it.
You do not only write something down.
You need a thorough knowledge.
If you don't think so, you are wrong.
The reader will notice it at once,
will lose interest.
Travel, studies, consulting and much more.
A special training or course may not be avoidable
Perhaps some consulting of experts will follow.
Therefore a book or e-book of high quality
cannot be free of charge.
Every work is worth a wage you have to pay.
There are different formats for e-books
We use only ePUB, with manual and automatically
generated index, you can click on to open a page
with a certain content.
An e-book may contain both indexes or
only one of these indexes but it depends on
the hardware if you are able to use them.
PDF format you can read with an e-book reader
Adobe DRM is something to limit time of use,
possible copies you are allowed to make,
if you may or may not print and so on.
It depends on the hardware, what is possible
and what not. For more information use the Internet.
We have tested the e-book with an
e-book reader with eInk display (black/white) or
e-book reader with display in colour (readers worth about 75 Euro)
Furthermore we have tested with the software
Calibre and Linux OS and Windows OS.
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