
Moon Gate Info

Moon gates have in China a very special meaning. Go ing through a moon gate is entering a different world. Even nowadays moon gates are very often used as a gate for a garden. You are entering a d ifferent world – a garden. Looking through a moon gate to the outside of a garden, is a look into the world of daily life.   --------------- The Chinese Embassy in Berlin you are entering by a moon gate. It means: You are in Germany but yo u are entering China.  The laws and rules apply to the Republic of China. It needs no explanation, the Chinese know it. --------------- In a city M oon gates are separating districts of a city . You leave your home district and enter a foreign district of the city. Entering by a moon gate a house or going t h rough moon gate of a wall surrounding the house you are going from the public to the private part. In general It is always a symbolic change, a change you have not to...

Moon Info

New Moon  The New Moon is not visible, in line between Earth and Sun.  The light reflected by the Earth is not sufficient, to make the Moon visible. The Sun behind the Moon. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun are combined. The high tides are very high at the coasts and called spring tides. T he combined forces of Moon and Sun are tremendous.  The ratio Sun to Moon is about 200 to 1.  If you want to use these forces for Zhineng Qigong practising, it makes the most sense to do it at New Moon. Then you have not only the forces of the Moon but the forces of the Sun, too.     Full Moon   The Full Moon is fully visible   The Earth is between Moon and Sun. T he light reflected from the Sun makes the Moon visible.  From the direction of the Moon we only have the gravitational forces of the Moon.  Behind the Moon is the Universe. T here are only the forces of the Moon. ...

Zhineng Qigong - Nature Taiji - open Qi exercises

Qigong Guide e-book The up-to-date digital version as e-book of this very special guide. There are two headings under which all existing traditional or new qigong forms can be classified. Moreover, the guide also includes other information as well as an interview with Dr. Pang Ming. This is no guide to which qigong for which health problem. This would contradict the holistic view, too. A body in which Qi flows freely and is evenly distributed is healthy. Qigong Guide e-book Nature Taiji The authors of the Qigong Guide are personally acquainted with the founder of Nature Taiji, Hu Xilong, the best student of Dr. Pang Ming who created Zhineng Qigong. However, at the time of publishing our Qigong Guide we did not yet know the details about the Nature Taiji Qi exercise and thus could not include it in the book. It is another open qi exercise that combines elements from Taiji and Zhineng Qigong. Special characteristics of the  Nature Ta...

The Journey from Zhineng Qigong to Nature Taiji

Beforehand you should become aware of some things. Qigong The basic idea in China in this respect is a long life. Qigong already exists for many thousand years and  has changed continuously. Gong = Practice Taiji  Martial art to defend against attackers, qi powers are used within the martial art. Taiji exists less than a thousand years. Modern Medicine  Originally, the aim was the healing of diseases and indirectly connected to this a long life. The Journey from Zhineng Qigong to Nature Taiji  Zhineng Qigong was developed by Dr. Pang Ming to make the qi powers immediately available to sick persons for healing. Shortly before the Huaxia Centre was closed Dr. Pang Ming published as last exercise his version of Taiji Ball. Hu Xilong, his best student, worked in the research department and of course knew about this development. Nature Taiji contains the elements of rotation from Taiji Ball as well as other ele...

Good Practice Tip 8 – to practise entirely in the here and now

We practise in the here and now. What does this mean? Important during practising is an inner state   of calmness and harmony.    The thoughts do not stray,  they are with the practice and with the movements.  The thoughts thus accompany our movements.    We relax and let go. Cramps and tensions are dissolved. After the practice we feel refreshed. We do not recharge our batteries,   to spend them in everyday life.    We free ourselves from everyday burdens   and dispose again of all the energies that are ours.    Therefore, after practice we feel refreshed and stronger.

Good Practice Tip 7 – the practice begins after the 8 verses

Before the practice there are the 8 verses.  They call Qi to come to us,  they organize the Qi field,  they remove us from daily surroundings,  they help us to find calmness and harmony  and to pay attention to the practice.  After that we can begin with the practice.

Good Practice Tip 6 – always choose the same spot for practising

Why is it so important always to practise on the same spot ?  Just like the large common Qi field of a group there is the personal Qi field.    The Qi field is created by the daily practice on the same spot for practising.   Therefore, you should carefully choose the spot for practising  where you can practise every day.   After some time a personal Qi field is created by practising there.   If you do not use the spot for practising any more,  the Qi field is thus not activated every day,  then it will no longer exist after about 3 months.   As long as a Qi field exists,  everyone who does not practise himself benefits from this Qi field, too.    If a group always practises on the same spot for practising  a Qi field of the group can be created there.  This Qi field then enhances the effects when the group is practising .