
Here you will find books, being important even for advanced practitioners. That's my opinion. These are books which helped me. This means: I have read them and own them. There will be many books I will never mention here. Why ? - I do not use them.

Even if you think you know “Zhineng Qigong” very well and are very good in theory
once in a while one should look into the “Elementary Guide of Zhineng Qigong”
and read some pages to remember, to improve the knowledge.

A good book always leads to new knowledge, if one reads it again and again.
Your knowledge changes and you read it with the knowledge you have at that moment.
Things you did not realize the first time you may realize because you are ready for the information and you understand the meaning.

Qigong Guide
Qigong, Zhineng Qigong and more...
Format ePUB
Orientation Help for Beginners
Authors: D. & H. Utermark
ISBN 978-3-00-038971-9 
click to read more 

Elementarbuch des Zhineng Qigong
(Elementary Guide of Zhineng Qigong)
Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming
Translation into German by Ping Dietrich-Shi
ISBN 978-3-00-040153-4 
click to read more 


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