Not everything can be found in the human genes
Science has meanwhile decoded the human genes.
Does it help us and explain all about our talents
or our abilities or is it once again only a part of everything ?
Very important occurrences leave traces in our mind,
a so called trauma from an accident, from an earthquake, from a war,
or something similar and even the next generations are suffering.
They inherit it and this you cannot find in the genes.
The genes are the same as without it.
If the genes have to be changed always, we would nearly have
no chance for development as human beings.
Actually scientists talk of so called “switches”,
to be switched on or off, changing our abilities.
The scientists are looking for the “switches” and how to use them.
Perhaps we already have the ability to use the “switches”,
and do not know, because no one taught us how to use them.
The other point is, why do human beings change ?
Are there people which know how to use the “switches”
and use the ability or is the use only accidentally ?
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