Placebo - Effect - Real - Is it difficult, to see the truth ?

Again and again you can read something about placebo.

Actually the latest knowledge tells us that you will find
placebo effects where you don't expect to find them.

Drugs act worse, if you are convinced they will not help you.
Drugs act better, if you are convinced they will help you.

Recovery will speed up or injuries are healing faster, if it is your will.

The human mind is able to do something.
The human beings own self-regulating forces
and are able to activate or enforce them.

The self-regulating forces act better,
if you are able to mobilise them.

You do not need always a medicine to improve your health.
Even good medicine needs positive surroundings to work best.

Nowadays we have methods or equipment
to measure the activity of the brain.

The different activities in different parts of the brain confirm this.

The reality is:
It is not difficult to see the truth, but do want to see it ?
Nowadays it is often possible to see or measure it. 

Is it important that you don't know, if it is placebo or effect or real ?
No, the most important is, that it helps you. - Then it is right.


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