The human memory - the storage, how does it go ?

It is already well known: the filing, the storage is done in pictures.

New knowledge is: it is done in holographic pictures.

You should know: 
If you have a small part of a holographic picture,
you have the information of the whole picture.
A small fraction is sufficient and is all you need
for the reproduction of the whole picture.

Nobody knows why it is like this, but we are able
to produce holographic pictures and do so.
We only know the method of production.

I also know: 
In the French language a drunken person is “black“.
In the German language the same person is “blue“.

The idea suggests itself:
Two people see the same picture.
Do they get the same information ?
Do they get different information and if, why ?

In China there are many different languages,
but the characters are the same
The different language doesn't matter.

The text, the written characters,
everyone is able to read.
If the speech is Cantonese or Mandarin.
They do not understand each other
but are able to write and read letters and
exchange of information is possible.

We know something similar, the dead language Latin.
The pronunciation in German, French or English is possible.

It depends which language is your own language.

It sounds very strange to a person from Germany,
hearing Latin with English pronunciation.

If we would be able to see the pictures in the brain of a person,
we would not have the whole information and would need
the information of his surroundings, how important
the information is and how to use it and many other things.
Most important is:
If you have a little part of  a holographic picture,
you have the information of the whole picture
and that is a little bit of how the human mind
is able to work so efficient with such high speed.
It is extra high speed storage.


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