Good Practice Tip 4 – practising daily and regularly
Zhineng Qigong is no sport
where more practising can help to reach the target more quickly.
Excessive practising can also be wrong for sports.
If you have a chronic problem
3-4 hours of daily practice may be the right thing.
In general 30 minutes every day are sufficient.
Courses often take 90 minutes with a break in between.
Of course, you can also practise the whole day long
if, for example, you want to learn the form of a new level.
Then courses may last several days
as they also include teaching in theory.
Then you also practise the form every day.
The target is to practise the form without instructions
as you then can pay attention to the interpretation.
It is more important to practise every day than many hours on the same day.
Qi has to be activated again within 24 hours.
If this is not done, you always stay on the very first day of practice.
Three days of practice, interruption and then again practice
is like the first day of practice – advances are not achieved in this way.
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