The own personal "Qi Field" - Charisma - Aura

The own personal „Qi Field“

The own personal „Qi Field“ will be built up,
soon after you started practising regularly „Zhineng Qigong".

A very strong "Qi Field" can surround you like a
protecting coating, even if you do not practise "Zhineng Qigong".
And after some time it will always be with you.

It works in our surroundings, animals feel it.

Charisma - Aura
We try to define these words in the kind of a "radiance",

the positive impact, a human has, in his surroundings,
of course this happens too, in a negative sense.

Is there any difference ?
A person with a strong personal "Qi Field“ enters the room.
A person with Charisma enters the room.

You will feel in both cases, somebody entered the room.
This person needs nothing, to say, to be noticed.

People from the east or China explain it with the personal "Qi Field"

People from the west speak of Charisma, of presence of a person,
of an Aura, which is going out from that person.
Some, very few people are able to see the aura of a person
and have painted that.

Do we have different names but speak of the same matter
or of the same impression ?


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