
Showing posts from May, 2013

Good Practice Tip 8 – to practise entirely in the here and now

We practise in the here and now. What does this mean? Important during practising is an inner state   of calmness and harmony.    The thoughts do not stray,  they are with the practice and with the movements.  The thoughts thus accompany our movements.    We relax and let go. Cramps and tensions are dissolved. After the practice we feel refreshed. We do not recharge our batteries,   to spend them in everyday life.    We free ourselves from everyday burdens   and dispose again of all the energies that are ours.    Therefore, after practice we feel refreshed and stronger.

Good Practice Tip 7 – the practice begins after the 8 verses

Before the practice there are the 8 verses.  They call Qi to come to us,  they organize the Qi field,  they remove us from daily surroundings,  they help us to find calmness and harmony  and to pay attention to the practice.  After that we can begin with the practice.

Good Practice Tip 6 – always choose the same spot for practising

Why is it so important always to practise on the same spot ?  Just like the large common Qi field of a group there is the personal Qi field.    The Qi field is created by the daily practice on the same spot for practising.   Therefore, you should carefully choose the spot for practising  where you can practise every day.   After some time a personal Qi field is created by practising there.   If you do not use the spot for practising any more,  the Qi field is thus not activated every day,  then it will no longer exist after about 3 months.   As long as a Qi field exists,  everyone who does not practise himself benefits from this Qi field, too.    If a group always practises on the same spot for practising  a Qi field of the group can be created there.  This Qi field then enhances the effects when the group is practising .

Good Practice Tip 5 – to choose the right speed for practice

What is the right speed for practice? In a course with many practitioners an average speed is selected for practice allowing all present to follow. For teaching purposes you can choose a very slow speed. This is to check whether an exercise is already done as flowing movement or where you have to make improvements. The slower an exercise is done, the stronger is the effect of Qi, where you have to be capable of enduring it. If all blocks have been eliminated, you can also do an exercise very quickly and nevertheless not lose contact with Qi. If you practise on your own, you will arrive at your own biorhythm. This is then the best speed for practice for this day and point in time as you are practising on your own.

Good Practice Tip 4 – practising daily and regularly

Zhineng Qigong is no sport  where more practising can help to reach the target more quickly.  Excessive practising can also be wrong for sports.  If you have a chronic problem   3-4 hours of daily practice may be the right thing.    In general 30 minutes every day are sufficient.  Courses often take 90 minutes with a break in between.  Of course, you can also practise the whole day long  if, for example, you want to learn the form of a new level.  Then courses may last several days  as they also include teaching in theory. Then you also practise the form every day.   The target is to practise the form without instructions as you then can pay attention to the interpretation. It is more important to practise every day than many hours on the same day.  Qi has to be activated again within 24 hours.  If this is not done, you always stay on the very first day of practice. Three days of practice, interruption and then...

Good Practice Tip 3 – good preparation by suitable clothing

Beginners often turn up for practice in wrong clothing. Here applies in principle: comfortable clothing which does not restrict is right. The drawings of Zhineng Qigong already show this. It is clothing that does not restrict. In China there are even women who consciously practise without bra in order not to interfere with the qi flow.  Even if you do not have to sense qi,  how it flows through the body.  Modern sport shoes very often support the foot, they are out of place here. Narrow jeans do not belong here, too. We are in no beauty contest. Electronic devices like   quartz clocks, smartphones  or other gadgets should be taken off. The vibrations or magnetic fields may interfere.

Good Practice Tip 2 – not every exercise is for daily practice

Zhineng Qigong has like many qigong styles a long history. Many exercises originate in former qigong styles. There are also Zhineng Qigong exercises that are not practised every day. They are for special cases. A good instructor or teacher will know some of them. They are only needed for chronic problems or in case of special blocks. In principle the basic exercises of levels 1 to 3 are sufficient. If these are practised every day, it may take a bit longer, but the aim is thus achieved, too. It is also valid here that this is about quality and not speed.

Good Practice Tip 1 - do not mix different qigong styles

There are many qigong styles. Most of the time the practitioners do not know whether these are open or closed exercises. Out of ignorance different qigong styles are practised side by side. They think that they can achieve more. Zhineng Qigong is no sport or language, where you can proceed in this way. There are many closed traditional qigong styles. You can practise Zhineng Qigong and practise Tai Chi side by side. Qigong exercises in Tai Chi are also open exercises.